Tuesday, July 11, 2006

11/7 - swimming

today's the first day i embark on my self-training programme. ask me if i'm excited? actually, not really. didn't had the feeling that i'm beginning on my new life. i guess i'm still stuck in my old dragonboat-is-my-life kind of life. haha. seriously, though it has been like only 9 to 10 days since i stopped rowing, i kinda missed it already. the water, the resistence on the surface of the blade, the splashes on my face and sunglasses, the smooth recovery and stretching out, the nice catch, yet aggressive pull in the water. muscles feeling the pain, the burn. every stroke, every breath, every person on the boat, together.

" A perfect day for the perfect set "

i went to school, catching the bus. its a refreshing experience needless to say. however, it doesn't give me a homely feeling that i would feel everytime i catch the bus home. the passing scenery doesn't look the same during the morning traffic. indonesian maids walking the small kids to their priamry schools, then gossiping in their native language along the way with one another. secondary school kids with the Mp3s on, nodding their heads to the groove from those earphones. or even my fellow junior college students, blocking out all other earthly sounds except for those frequencies in the headphones, and being so oblivious to the surroundings.

day after day, this happens, and it becomes a trend, a pattern for all to follow and study. yet, this doesn't fade into non-existence after years, following technological advancements, unlike other patterns which change along with technology. why? its because we are students. there isn't a need to fully understand and make use of new technology to change our lives. we just need to embrace it, like if mp3 became some other device that can have the person holding it to be in another virtual reality, now, students would be using that. those on the bus, if it still exists, that is.

i reckon that i have quite a lot of stuff to say, and thats due to the fact i haven't been studying. collecting back my papers is what i do now, process the results. then i begin to study. I HOPE. haha. anyway, back to today. got back my maths (both papers), chemistry (all 3 papers), physics (paper 1 and 3) and econs (paper 1). so far, no failing grades, just not so spectacular ones. A for maths, C for chemistry. thats it.

i had a migrane today before i had my lunch. power of bak chor mee cured it. haha. speech's done for friday's prize presentation/ headed for the pool.

43 minutes 22 seconds of swimming. 40 laps. not bad. tml's gym training, targetting the biceps, chest, shoulders and ABS. i'm running off now(no not really running). back in a jiffy. =)


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